Pokemon GO players are divided over various aspects of the game, but one thing that everyone can agree on is their collective love for shiny Pocket Monsters. Right as the Adventure Abounds season kicks off in September 2023, they are getting a new shiny critter. Not only is it a new shiny, it is the shiny form of a brand new creature. Lechonk and Shiny Lechonk will appear in Niantic's mobile game during the "A Paldean Adventure" event, which started from 10 am local time on September 5 and will last until 10 am local time on September 10, 2023.
There are multiple ways of catching Lechonk in Pokemon GO during the event. If you are lucky, you can get a shiny version through each of these. Read on to find out about the different ways and how you can boost your chances of finding Shiny Lechonk.
How to get Shiny Lechonk in Pokemon GO
There are four different ways to encounter Shiny Lechonk in Pokemon GO:
- Wild encounters
- 7km Eggs
- Field Research encounters
- Timed Research encounters
Wild encounters
You can find Lechonk in Pokemon GO's overworld as you walk around. During the event, it will have a boosted spawn rate, making it easier to catch. To further increase the number of spawns, you can use an Incense. Staying mobile leads to more encounters with Lechonk, improving your chances of finding a shiny version of the critter.
Alongside Lechonk, you can find Sprigatito, Fuecoco, and Quaxly in the wild as well. The shiny form of these critters will not be available though.
7km Eggs
Opening gifts from in-game friends while the A Paldean Adventure event is on will reward you with special 7km Eggs. These eggs have a chance to hatch Shiny Lechonk.
Field Research encounters
You can collect event-special Field Research tasks by spinning discs at PokeStops. Some of these will contain encounters with Lechonk as rewards. These Lechonk may be shiny. They will also have a higher IV floor of 10/10/10.
Timed Research encounters
A Paldean Adventure-themed Timed Research will also be available for the duration of the event. Completing each stage of this challenge will give you an encounter with Lechonk, which may turn out to be shiny.
How to get Shiny Oinkologne in Pokemon GO
The only way to get Shiny Oinkologne in Pokemon GO is by evolving a Shiny Lechonk. Interestingly, the critter has two distinct variants based on whether it is male or female.
It takes 50 Candy to evolve Lechonk into Oinkologne. Considering the creature will be abundantly available during the event, getting your hands on a Shiny Oinkologne will be easy enough if you can catch a shiny form of this Pig Pokemon.
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