Margot Robbie looked pretty fly in a butterfly print Versace dress at the New York screening of her latest film, Goodbye Christopher Robin on Wednesday evening. The striking dress, which featured a butterfly statement print, ensured the star stood out from the crowd, while its flowing train and cinched-in, ruched waist made the most of her petite frame. The baby pink shade worked wonders against Margot's peachy skin-tone, and the gown's generous neck-line emphasised her enviable shape. She left her accessories at home - bar a simple chain necklace - to let her designer creation do all the talking.

Margot dazzled in butterfly Versace dress

Australian native Margot plays Dapne Milne in the film, wife of A.A Milne, the renowned creator of the world’s most famous, and well-loved teddy bear, Winnie the Pooh. The new film was released in cinemas nationwide in October, and is based on the life of its creator, and of course, Christopher Robin, the film’s namesake.

Margot's make-up was flawless

Margot, 27, gave onlookers serious beauty envy with her flawless, dewy complexion, prominent eyebrows, smoky eye-make-up, flushed peach cheeks and glossy pink lips. Her blonde hair was styled into a relaxed bob, which was flicked out at the ends to give a relaxed, yet polished look.

Her dress, meanwhile, was lifted from Versace’s spring 2018 collection, and isn't yet available to the public. Creepy crawlies, and insects of all kinds, are high in the fashion stakes this season, particularly at fellow design house Gucci, so Margot is definitely on trend and on top of her style game!
