We all know the best way to get recognized for your work in Hollywood is not to go for comedy. The Academy supposedly loves drama and dramatic performances, the more tear-jerking the better. Making them cry with laughter is not the way to go if you want to take home that little man. But while this holds true a lot of the time, the Oscars by no means turn their noses up at funny performances consistently. You can make lighter fare and still get rewarded for it.
While it's rare that a comedy film will win best picture, it has happened. According to AMC's Filmsite, over the years seven out-and-out comedies have won, like 1938's You Can't Take It with You, 1977's Annie Hall, and as recently as 2011, The Artist. Another seven winners were more dramatic but had comedic elements, like 1994's Forrest Gump and 2014's Birdman.
Actors can find themselves nominated for their work in comedies more often than you would think as well. Some notable examples, from ThoughtCo, Woody Allen was nominated for his acting work in Annie Hall as well as best picture, Robin Williams was recognized for his work in Good Morning, Vietnam, and Alan Arkin actually won for his role in Little Miss Sunshine. There have been others as well, and not just in acting categories. Kristen Wiig won best original screenplay for writing the hit Bridesmaids. And honorary and lifetime achievement Oscars have gone to comedians a bunch of times.