Looks like Chris Pine has a new leading lady. The handsome actor was spotted out in Hollywood on Sunday, enjoying a PDA-packed lunch with reality TV star Vail Bloom. Chris and Vail were pictured sharing a sweet kiss as they shared an al fresco lunch together.The new couple were also seen taking a leisurely stroll around the shops; the actor dressed casually in a white T-shirt, jeans and a cap, while his 32-year-old girlfriend looked summery in a stylish white jumpsuit.
Chris Pine was pictured kissing Vail Bloom during a PDA-packed date in Hollywood
Chris, 34, was most recently linked to Icelandic beauty queen Iris Björk Jóhannesdóttir – he confirmed the end of that romance during an interview with Ellen DeGeneres in November. His former rumoured girlfriends include Lindsay Lohan and star Audrina Partridge.His new love interest Vail, a 2004 graduate of Princeton University, is a budding actress who has appeared in episodes of and . She also received a Daytime Emmy nomination for her role as Heather Stevens in .Reality fans, however, will recognise her from Bravo's ; she joined the show in its third season and currently works as a hostess at Lisa Vanderpump's restaurant SUR.
Chris Pine was most recently linked to Icelandic beauty queen Iris Björk Jóhannesdóttir
Back in 2013, Chris spoke to about the importance of being a gentleman in a relationship. "My mum always told me to take my elbows off the table, so that if I ever had dinner with a queen, I would know how to eat properly," he said. "But she also taught me basic things about being a gentleman, like opening car doors. "Especially in Los Angeles, I think people lose those small gestures that harken back to a different time but are still mutually appreciated by men and women."
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