'Subramaniyapuram' fame actor Swathi Reddy tied the knot with Malayali pilot Vikas Vasu in a low-key event in Hyderabad on August 30 .

Even though the couple's wedding was restricted only to family and close friends, a video released online recently shows the entire wedding proceedings in detail. Needless to say the couple is seen so much in love and all smiles.

In the short video, Vikas tells how he started talking to a 'cute' Swati with the help of their mutual friend, how Swati kept him at a safe distance and later how things turned out the way he wanted.

The couple exchanged wedding vows as per the Hindu customs. Swathi was in a Kanchipuram silk saree while Vikas was dressed in a traditional kurta and dhoti.

Vikas is a pilot by profession, who works for Malaysian Airlines.

Swathi started her career with Telugu film 'Danger' in 2005. Since then, she has worked in more than 25 movies in Telugu, Tamil and Malayalam. She has also sung a few songs and also dubs for other artists.
